Enter Africa Lagos’ Weekend Playlist: Bravo Zulu
During military operations, when troops have to leave their comfort zones to far away locations, commanders ensure that they travel with both outdoor and indoor games which are deployed to keep troops mentally and physically fit (especially during their leisure) and also keep them gainfully engaged and out of mischief.
Bravo Zulu is designed to meet these needs - gainful employment, entertainment and teaching/reminders of International Humanitarian Law (IHL) - through constant exposure of players to the key elements of the law. The game is quite easy to play and tries to remind junior field commanders and their men about the rules of combat. Unlike video games which isolate the players from others around them, it is deliberately designed as a manual board game targeted to bring a group of soldiers together.
Starting as soldiers, players aspire to get commissioned first as officers then as the Commanding Officer to win the game. In the process, the players will learn and understand how to comply with the Law of Armed Conflict (LOAC). The game can be played by a minimum of 2 players and a maximum of 4.
Bravo Zulu was developed for the International Committee of the Red Cross by Livinus Jatto, PhD, a former soldier who now works for the humanitarian organisation and teaches officers about the importance of International Humanitarian Law.
Find out more about Bravo Zulu and International Humanitarian Law from the International Committee of the Red Cross
The Weekend Playlist series is part of ‘Nigeria’s Gaming Industry: Opportunities, Challenges and Practices’, an Enter Africa Lagos project supported by Goethe-Institut Nigeria.